Monday, September 27, 2010


During week 3, we were introduced to a current employee at Mosaic, Meg Kerr. Her job occupation title is a "Social Media Integration Manager." Her job includes many meetings, especially with the Mosaic creative team. Her meetings mostly focus on event planning's for various companies/clients, including Stella Artois. She tries promoting companies by attending their events abroad and by updating her followers online through social media networks accounts. Her social media accounts include, Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, YouTube, Foursquare, Gowalla, Yelp.

What is Mosaic?

"Mosaic is an industry leader in Experiential Marketing and Selling & Merchandising. We bring some of North America’s top brands to life through sampling, merchandising, special events, and promotions in retail and bar environments."

You can visit them at:

 Meg Kerr made me question where social media is headed. Will it stop or will it be stronger than ever? The question is still hard to answer. 1st and second generations were open to experiencing new social media, very open to the world. However, third generation is slowly closing it down creating invitation websites only. Facebook, for example, statistically speaking is dropping down because 5 out of 7 countries are stopping usage. Plus, websites such as allows the individual to cancel all social media accounts by a click of a bottom.

In today’s world, people turn to online websites more than news on the television itself. Why is this? It is because; the Internet is a fast growing and relying source of information that is frequently updated. Journalism/reporters before were always first to tell the story, however, they now are delaying because of the fast paced environment of the Internet. What is bad about it? Speed versus accuracy is important as well, therefore, you should always analyze whether what you see online is falsely stated or not.

What I found interesting was This can provide you with good immediate feedback when needed. Eg. You ask everyone on the website, where you can find a good restaurant in a specific location, people will give you immediate information. You can even receive free coffee when stating you are at a specific coffee shop location.

When it comes to social media websites like twitter, Facebook, etc. we want privacy settings. Although, twitter does not contain this, which means, we should be very alert as to what we write on the wall, who knows, someone can rob you if you state on your status, “Away from home for the weekend.”
I personally believe social media is good but to a certain extent. Individuals these days are ambiguous when seating at the same table, not knowing how to chat with one another face to face. They instead turn to technology, by playing/browsing on their phones. In addition, it may cause you to become more self-conscious in the real world when being face to face. Avatar is a good example of this, creating your own personal avatar and communicating with other online avatars is not healthy. Some people become obsessed with the game. It becomes their only world where they feel important digitally.

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