The ROM experience was quite interesting. I was very fascinated with the stone exhibit. This is because this exhibit is carrying many various stones from across the world that you tend to forget about. The interesting part was the large stones before its cutting; the original stone from the ground. When it came to the interactivity part of this exhibit; it was less updated than the technology we have today. This is because they had a + and – for zoom in and zoom out. In today’s society we tend to use our fingers to expand an image to view closer and zoom out, therefore the image was restricted in doing this. I personally do not mind this though because non-technology users would not understand how to zoom in and zoom out without the + and – signs. I personally think the + and – is a good design because you click and hold however long you like. What I did not like was that the information for every stone because it was very brief and straightforward ie. name of stone and its country origin. There was no in-depth information ie. meaning behind the stone, its healing aspect, how it was first found, etc. Over, all the remaining exhibits did not carry very advanced technology. Some people like that while others would like to see some more advanced technology. I personally do not mind when you are restricted to technology because you focus more on the artwork itself then. I feel that technology can prevent you from learning about a particular artifact when you start doodling with technology in the same exhibit room.
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